Posted: 28 March 2024

APEM Group and Alpine Fire recognised at Leadership Awards

APEM Group and Alpine Fire recognised at Leadership Awards

Leaders at APEM Group and Alpine Fire were recognised last night at the North West Leadership Awards, organised by The Business Desk.

Leah McGimpsey, CEO at APEM Group, received the Emerging Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year award. Steven Nanda, CEO at Alpine Fire Engineers, was named Transformational Leader of the Year.

Both were also shortlisted in the Company Leader (100+ employees] category.

Mention must also go to Leon Farnham from Alpine Fire who was shortlisted in the Mentor of the Year category.

The awards were created to celebrate the extraordinary qualities of individuals whose leadership skills have had a positive impact on their organisation. 

We are thrilled that Leah, Steven and Leon received such deserved recognition.

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