Posted: 2 May 2024

Getting to know ... Thomas Dutton

Getting to know ... Thomas Dutton

Earlier this year, we were delighted to welcome Thomas Dutton as senior investment manager. Based in our Manchester office, Tom will have a particular focus on deal origination, execution and portfolio management in the North of England. Find out a little more about him here.

  • How did your career bring you to private equity?

I previously worked at Dow Schofield Watts, advising on lower mid-market transactions, including a lot of PE backed buy and build journeys. I really enjoyed helping management teams grow their businesses. Once transactions complete, as an adviser, your involvement naturally reduces which is a shame after making strong long-term relationships. Finding a PE house which centres on partnering with ambitious management teams, with a strong focus on support and creating value seemed like the obvious next step in my career.

  • What attracted you most to joining WestBridge?

I had worked on a couple of deals with WestBridge while at DSW, advising on the acquisition of APEM as well as advising the AJM Healthcare management team when WestBridge exited. Throughout all my interactions, I always found the WestBridge team to be vastly experienced, hands on and with a strong team culture. I saw firsthand the true partnership approach to investing that WestBridge promotes, including the proactive support provided to teams alongside being willing to roll up their sleeves to deliver on their word. The team’s ethos matched that of my own and with a passion for supporting and adding value, WestBridge proved to be the perfect home.

  • What do you find most rewarding about your role at WestBridge?

The most rewarding part of my job is working with the passionate management teams we back. It’s really satisfying to work with driven and enthusiast teams that we can support to help grow their businesses and achieve their goals whether through providing additional strategic direction, financial guidance or by deploying the WestBridge value creation model. There can always be inevitable bumps in the road and being in the trenches with our management teams makes all the success stories more enjoyable.

  • Share a great piece of advice you’ve received.

I remember being told to put myself in the shoes of the person on the opposite side of the deal table. This advice has helped me bridge difficult negotiations at times and find a common ground to move forward.

  • What does life look like when you leave the office?

With a young family, I love nothing more than a day at home with my wife and two kids. I also enjoy the outdoors and gardening so any opportunity to venture outside is taken, albeit this can be rare with living in the North! I am also an avid football fan (supporting Manchester United for my sins) so I often venture to Old Trafford in the hope we can revive the glory days.

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